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CHEMISTRY : Chromatography


PROJECT TITLE: Solvents Characteristics : CHLOROFORM (CH.CL3)
LAST UPDATE: 2 Sep 2009
VERSION HISTORY: 1.0 - First release
1.1 - Revision of text and formatting. (2-Sep-2009)


Here are the chromatography characteristics of ChloroForm as a solvent on the standard refernce ink under test. Since this chemical is not miscible with water (see table in the page: solvents ), no variable concentration could be used else in its absolute (100% c.) form. Chromatography characteristics that are tested include the speed , solubility and separation of the two dyes from the refernce ink.

  1. Solubility and Separation score is out of 10 were 0 is the worst and 10 is excellent
  2. Flow Rate is the portion (expressed as percent) of solvent that had moved along the 12cm strip of chromatography paper. For example if the solvent moved 6cm from the origin, the flow rate is given as 50%

This solvent dissolves plastics, so test must be performed only in glass containers.


Table of Results using the solvent CHLOROFORM in Paper Chromatography
Solvent: TRICHLOROMETHANE (Chloroform) - ( CH.Cl3)
Concentration Absolute (100% c. )
Flow Rate: 45% in 10mins
75% in 35mins
Solubility: 10/10
Extremely soluble, leaving minimal colour in the application point even after 10mins of treatment. This also means that all components of the ink are completely soluble in this solvent.
Separation of dyes: 0/10
No separation at all. Just an enlongated streak of a blend of both colours.
Allocated Time: Not more than 40 mins
Score: 10%
Comments: This forms an enlongated zone from the point of aplication up to the level of solvent in the strip. The streak shows no signs of separation, which makes this solvent score low at this absolute concentration.

On leaving for a long time, hence till 85% of the strip, the violet dye seems to gather and gets concentrated as a rough line at the top edge the solvent raised in the strip. This results in making the rest of the streak more in the cyan blend (since the violet dye gets concentrated above.) However there is still no separation properties.


BEST Separation: Absolute Chloroform for not more than 40mins, although no true separation is achieved!
Note 1: Very fast solvent, ideal for a quick overview before applying the chromatography in more specific solvents.

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